*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         HOG HEAD CHEESE (FESTIVAL)
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cajun                            Appetizers
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
   10       c            Water
    2 1/2   lb           Pork meat
    1                    Pig’s foot
    2       t            Salt, divided
      3/4   lb           Onions, chopped
    1       T            Parsley flakes
    1       T            Celery flakes
    1       c            Green onion, chopped
    1       t            Black pepper
      3/4   t            Red pepper
   Measure water into 5-quart saucepot.  Add pork meat, pig’s foot, and 1
   teaspoon salt.  Cook until meat is tender and pig’s foot can easily be
   boned.  Approximately 3 cups of liquid should remain in saucepot.  Add
   chopped onions, parsley flakes, celery flakes, chopped green onions, teh
   remaining teaspoon of salt, black pepper, and red pepper.  Cook about 3
   minutes.  Remove meat from liquid.  Reserve liquid.  Remove bones from
   meat.  Place meat in food processor bowl.  Chop well but do not puree.
   Mix chopped ingredients and reserved liquid.  Pour into 9“x13”x2 pan.
   Chill thoroughly.  Makes 60 servings of 2 Tablespoons each.
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