*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                   Wild Duck and Andouille Sauce Piquant
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cajun                            Main Dish
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      Cup           Olive oil
    3      Cups          Plain flour (for roux)
    3      Cups          Onions, chopped
    1      Cup           Bell pepper, chopped
    3      Cups          Geen onions, chopped
    2      Cups          Parsley, chopped
    2      Tablespoons   Garlic, finely chopped
    3      Cups          Chablis wine
      1/2  Teaspoon      Dried mint, crushed
   11      Cups          Tomato sauce
    3      Tablespoons   Lea & Perrins
    6      Teaspoons     Louisiana hot sauce
    5      Teaspoons     Salt
    1      Pound         Andouille, sliced 1/4 thick
    2 1/2  Pounds        Wild duck breasts
 Brown off duck breasts in some olive oil. Make a roux with oil and flour (see
Justin’s recipe posted earlier). Add onions, bell pepper, green onions, and
parsley to roux.  Stir and cook.  Add one cup water and garlic.  Cook.	Add
wine and some more water.  Add other seasonings and tomato sauce.  Mix well.
Add andouille (or smoked sausage) and duck breasts.  Stir. Simmer on low heat
for 3 to 4 hours.
 Stir occasionally.  Add more salt and cayenne to your taste. Makes about 3
gallons, so this is for alot of people.  Serve over spaghetti or rice. From
Justin Wilson’s “Outdoor Cooking With Inside Help”
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 Nutr. Assoc. : 0 568 999 149 998 1038 0 620 1244 0 0 1656 0 0 0 524