---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Waldine’s Red Beans and Rice
  Categories: Beans, Meats, Rice
       Yield: 1 recipe
       1 lb Red beans; rinse and sort
       1 lg Onion; chop
       1 lg Green bell pepper; chop
       2    Ribs celery; chop
       1 bn Green onions; chop
       1 tb Garlic; mince
       1    Bay leaf
     1/2 ts Thyme
     1/2 ts Chili powder
            Salt and pepper
            Tabasco; opt
       2    Ham hocks
       1 lb Ham chunks
       1 lb Turkey or smoked sausage;
            -cut 1 pcs
            Cooked rice
   You may soak your beans or not. I don't. Put beans in
   a pot with water, onions, bell pepper, celery, green
   onions, garlic, seasonings and meats (except sausage.
   Cook until beans are tender, 2 to 3 hours. About 15
   minutes before beans are done, add sausage. I like to
   add a little Wondra to thicken gravy at this point.
   Some people smash some beans on the side of the pot to
   thicken gravy. Remove bay leaf and serve over cooked
   rice. Pass the Tabasco for those who like some more
   spice. Some people like to pour a little Hot Pepper
   Vinegar on top. We have baked or fried pork chops on
   the side. MM Waldine Van Geffen vghc42a@prodigy.com.