MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: Garlicky Baked Vegetables with Spoon Bread Topping
  Categories: Creole, Vegetables
       Yield: 4 servings
       2 T  Butter or margarine,melted
       2 t  Flour,all-purpose
     1/4 t  Lemon-pepper seasoning
       2 c  Peas,shelled,fresh
     1/3 c  Onion,thinly sliced
       3 ea Garlic cloves,large,pressed
       1 t  Salt
     1/8 t  Rosemary,crushed
       2 c  Potatoes,peeled,thin sliced
       2 ea Tomatoes,med,peel/thin slice
 MMMMM--------------------SPOON BREAD TOPPING-------------------------
       1 ea Garlic clove,fresh,pressed
       1 T  Butter or margarine
       1 pn Nutmeg
       2 ea Eggs,separated
   1 1/3 c  Milk
     1/2 t  Salt
     1/4 c  Yellow cornmeal
     3/4 c  Cheddar cheese,grated sharp
   1. Combine butter, garlic, flour, salt, lemon-pepper and rosemary.
   2. In a buttered 7 1/2-cup souffle dish or casserole, layer
   vegetables and seasoned butter; place peas in bottom, then potatoes,
   onion and tomato slices, spooning part of the seasoned butter over
   each layer.
   3. Cover tightly and bake in preheated 350'F. oven 30 minutes.
   4. Meanwhile. prepare Spoon Bread Topping.
   5. Remove baking dish from oven; uncover and pour topping over.
   6. Return to oven and bake 35 minutes longer, or until topping is
   puffed and nicely browned and point of small knife inserted in center
   comes out clean.
   7. Serve at once from baking dish.
   1. In heavy saucepan, combine garlic, milk, butter, salt and nutmeg;
   gradually stir in cornmeal.
   2. Bring to a full boil, stirring constantly; boil 1 minute; until
   thick, then remove from heat.
   3. Beat egg yolks lightly.
   4. Stir a small amount of hot mixture into yolks, then mix yolks into
   hot cornmeal.
   5. Stir in cheese.
   6. Beat egg whites until barely stiff; fold into cornmeal mixture.