*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Pork                             Shrimp
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      3/4   c            Vegetable Oil
    2       lb           Fresh Okra Or Two 16 Oz.
                         - Packages Frozen Okra,
                         - Thawed, Thinly Sliced
    1       tb           White Vinegar
    4       qt           Water
    2       lb           Cubed Cooked Ham
    3       lg           Diced Onions
    2                    Diced Celery Stalks
    1                    Head Garlic, Cloves Peeled,
                         - But Left Whole
    1                    Diced Green Pepper
   16       oz           Whole Tomatoes, Drained And
                         - Chopped
    4       lb           Medium Shrimp, Shelled And
                         - Deveined
    2       lb           Lump Crabmeat
    2       ts           Tabasco Pepper Sauce
    6       c            Cooked Rice
   Eula Mae Dore is a legend on Avery Island.  She
   recently retired as proprietor of the Tabasco deli,
   where she served wonderful sandwiches and salads to
   the workers who dropped in for lunch.
   Heat 1/2 cup of the oil in a large skillet (not cast
   iron) over medium heat and add the okra.  Cook,
   stirring frequently, until it is no longer ropy, about
   30 minutes.  Add the vinegar and cook, stirring, for
   another 10 minutes, until the okra takes on a brownish
   color and is reduced to about a quarter of its
   original volume.  Put the okra in a medium bowl and
   set aside.
   In a large stockpot over high heat, bring the water to
   a boil. Meanwhile, add the remaining 1/4 cup oil and
   the ham to the skillet. Saute the ham over medium-high
   heat for about 10 minutes, or until it is lightly
   With a slotted spoon, remove the ham to the stockpot.
   In the same skillet, combine the onions, celery,
   garlic and pepper; cook, stirring constantly, for 10
   minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Add the
   vegetables, okra and tomatoes to the stockpot; cover
   and simmer over medium heat for 1 hour.
   Reduce the heat to very low, add the shrimp and simmer
   very slowly for 10 minutes.  Add the crabmeat and
   Tabasco sauce; simmer for an additional 5 to 10
   minutes.  Serve the gumbo in soup bowls with scoops of
   From: The Tabasco Cookbook.
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