*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                               Spicy Carrots
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Creole                           Vegetables
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
 *****  NONE  *****
       1 lb Carrots,fresh
     1/4 c  Butter or margarine
     1/2 c  Dark brown sugar
       1 cn Orange juice,froz/conc.(6oz)
       1 pn Cinnamon
   1. Scare carrots and cut up.
   2. Cook until crisp-tender in boiling salted water; drain.
   3. In same saucepan, melt butter; add brown sugar and orange juice
   concentrate, blending thoroughly.
   4. Add carrots and cinnamon; heat for a few minutes, tossing carrots gently
   to coat.
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