*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                              Chinese Cabbage
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Top Ramen
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      Tbsp.         sesame seed
      1/2  C.            sliced slivered almonds
      1/2  Medium        cabbage -- thinly sliced
    1      Bunch         green onions -- chopped (1 to 2)
    1      Pkg.          chicken Ramen noodles -- broken up
    3      Tbsp.         white vinegar
      1/2  Tsp.          vinegar
      1/2  Tsp.          pepper
    2      Tbsp.         sugar
      1/2  C.            oil
                         chicken flavoring out of Ramen
 In 2 tablespoons butter toast sesame seed and slivered
 almonds. Mix this mixture with cabbage, onions and chicken
 Ramen noodles. Mix dressing in blender. Pour dressing over
 cabbage mixture and stir.
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