---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03
  Categories: China
       Yield: 4 Servings
   1 1/2 lb String beans
       1 c  Vegetable oil
       1 tb Scallions -- chopped
       1 ts Garlic -- chopped
     1/2 ts Szechuan chili paste -- or
            -hot sauce
       2 tb Soy sauce, low sodium
       1 tb Dry sherry -- or rice wine
       1 tb Sugar
    1-Wash the beans under running water; drain well on
   paper towels. 2-In a wok or skillet, heat the oil
   until just before it smokes. Add the beans, standing
   back to avoid being spattered with oil.  Cook the
   beans over high heat, stirring and turning frequently,
   until they are wrinkled and lightly browned, about 7
   minutes.  Remove the beans with a slotted spoon and
   place in a colander to drain; set aside. 3-Discard all
   but 2 tablespoons of the oil from the skillet.  Over
   high heat, reheat the remaining oil. Add the
   scallions, garlic and Szechuan paste and stir-fry for
   20 seconds. Add the soy sauce; stir. 4-Put the beans
   back into the skillet. Add teh wine and sugar and stir
   until well mixed, about 1 minute. Remove from skillet
   and serve. Recipe from Burt Wolf’s Eating Well
   cookbook--Jo Merrill A recipe from Shun Lee’s
   Restaurant in New York. Message 183 Mon Dec 06, 1993
   MM by Cuz