---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00
       Title: Chilli Plum Beef
  Categories: Main dish, Meats, Chinese
       Yield: 4
     750 g  Beef eye fillet (in one piece)
     150 ml Bottle plum sauce
       1 T  Dark soya sauce
       1    Clove garlic
       1 ts Grated fresh ginger
     1/2 ts Chopped fresh red chilli
       2 ts Sugar
       2 ts Dry sherry
       2 ts Cornflour
       2 T  Oil
     1/2 c  Water
       2 ts Cornflour, extra
       1    Beef stock cube
   Trim beef, slice thinly. Combine beef, sauces, garlic, ginger, chilli,
   sugar, sherry and cornflour in large bowl, mix well, cover, marinate 30
   minutes or refrigerate overnight. Heat a little of the oil in a wok, add
   beef, about a quarter at a time, stir-fry few minutes, or until browned.
   Remove from wok as it is cooked; repeat with remaining oil and beef.
   Return beef to wok with remaning marinade, blended water and extra
   cornflour and crumbled stock cube, stir until mixture boils and thickens.
   Compiled by Imran C.