---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Spices, Ethnic, Chinese
       Yield: 1 servings
 -------------------------BARB DAY-------------------------
 ---------------------FOR A SMALL BATCH---------------------
     1/2 lb Gingerroot; fresh, peeled,
            - sliced against the grain
            - into paper-thin coins
   1 1/3 c  Japanese rice vinegar; unsed
       3 tb Cider vinegar
       2 tb White vinegar
     1/2 c  Sugar; plus 1 teaspoon
            Kosher salt
       Recipe makes 3/4 cups
      Cover the ginger with boiling water.  Let stand for
   2 minutes, then drain in a colander.  Put the ginger
   in a large, impeccably clean glass jar or plastic
      Combine the remaining ingredients in a non-aluminum
   pot. Stir over moderate heat just until the sugar and
   salt dissolve. Pour over the ginger.
      Let cool completely, then cover and refrigerate for
   at least 24 hours before using.
      Serving suggestions:  Serve the ginger with grilled
   meat, fish, or poultry.  It can be minced or julienned
   for use in many different dishes and cold sauces.  The
   juice can be used in hot and cold sauces, springroll
   dips and salad dressings.
      Source: China Moon Restaurant, San Francisco, Ca.,
   by Barbara Tropp