---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Chinese, Desserts
       Yield: 6 servings
            Tart Pastry:
     1/4 c  Butter
     1/4 c  Lard
       1    Egg
       6 tb Sugar
       2 c  Sifted all purpose flour.
            Egg Custard Filling:
       2    Whole extra large eggs
       3    Extra large egg yolks
       1 c  Whole milk
     1/2 c  Half and half
       1 c  Sugar
   Cream the butter with lard. Add egg and sugar. Beat
   well. Add flour, 1 cup at a time. The dough will be
   mealy. Work quickly with your hands to gather dough
   into a ball. Knead lightly so the mixture adheres. You
   may chill it at this point while making the filling.
   Egg Custard Filling: Be sure all the ingredients are
   at room temperature. Beat whole eggs at low speed with
   egg yolks well. Do not over beat, add sugar, then
   milk, then half and half. Let mixture rest 10 - 15
   minutes. Skim foam from mixture.
   Separate dough into 24 ball. Press each into 2 1/2
   inch tart shell to an even layer across the bottom and
   all the way up the side. Fill shell with filling
   almost to the top. Preheat oven to 300. Place tarts on
   cooky sheet and bake for 45 minutes. Cool for 10 - 15
   minutes. Loosen slightly by inserting a toothpick
   along the sides. Tart shell should unmold easily.
   Rhoda Yee’s comments: It is important that the
   ingredients for the filling be at room temperature and
   beaten over a bowl of warm water. Cold ingredients
   will cause filling to separate during baking. By
   skimming off the foam, the custard will have a golden,
   creamy appearance with a velvety smooth texture which
   is a most unique and delightful gastronomic treat! Do
   not bake at high heat, this will cause the custard to
   bubble up like a balloon and burst.
   From “Dim Sum” by Rhoda Yee. Posted by James Lor.