---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Chinese, Eggs
       Yield: 2 servings
            Egg Mixture:
       4 oz Shelled and deveined cooked
       2 lg Eggs, beaten with 2
            -teaspoons water
       1 c  Bean sprouts
     1/4 c  Chopped scallions (green
     1/8 ts Salt
            Dash each garlic powder and
            -white pepper
       2 ts Peanut or vegetable oil
   1 1/2 ts Soy sauce
       1 ts Each cornstarch and rice
            Dash ground ginger
     1/2 c  Water
   To prepare Egg mixture:  In bowl combine shrimp,
   beaten eggs, bean sprouts, scallions, and seasonings,
   mixing well.  In 9 inch nonstick skillet heat oil;
   drop a scant 1/4 cup of egg mixture into hot oil and
   cook until set and lightly browned on bottom. Turn
   patty over and brown other side; remove to a warmed
   platter and keep warm. Repeat procedure with remaining
   egg mixture, using scant 1/4 cup mixture for each
   To prepare Sauce:  In small saucepan combine soy
   sauce, cornstarch, vinegar, and ginger, stirring to
   dissolve cornstarch; gradually stir in water.
   Stirring constantly, bring mixture to a boil and cook
   until sauce thickens.
   TO SERVE:  Transfer patties to 2 warmed plates and top
   each portion with half of the sauce.