*  Exported from  MasterCook II  *
                         Chinese Fortune Cookies #1
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Chinese                          Cookies
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1                    Egg
      1/3  Cup           Sugar
    2      Tablespoons   Corn Oil
    2      Tablespoons   Water
      1/4  Cup           Cornstarch
   Have fortunes prepared in advance. Beat egg on low speed until frothy.
   Beat in sugar, a little at a time, & continue beating until mixture
   is a very light yellow and thick. Fold in corn oil. Blend water and a
   little of the egg mixture into cornstarch, then stir into the
   remaining egg mix.
   Heat heavy, well seasoned griddle to 350 deg, or until drops of water
   bounce when dropped on the griddle. (For griddles without temperature
   control, keep heat between low and medium). Drop heaping T of batter
   on the griddle and spread with the back of a spoon to about 4 in.
   wide and 1/8 in. thick. Cook until edges are slightly brown & cookies
   can be easily lifted from griddle with a spatula, 5 - 8 minutes. (If
   cookies stick, bottoms need to be cooked a little longer). Turn
   cookies carefully & cook other side until light brown. Be careful to
   keep temperature even. Place fortune paper on cookie as soon as it is
   removed from the griddle.
   Folding is easier to do than to describe, but the end result is
   shaped like a horseshoe. Fold opposite edges together, forming a
   Crease crosswise at the center of the straight edge to form a
   flattened side, then bend the opposing corners together for the
   traditional shape.
   Set in a small glass or muffin tin until cookie cools and holds its
   shape. Wipe griddle & stir batter. Repeat.
   Shared by Micheal Kean, Prodigy ID# VMXV03A
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