MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Sweet and Sour Pork (Goo Lo Yuke)
  Categories: Chinese, Pork, Ceideburg 2
       Yield: 1 servings
       1 lb Pork butt cut into 1-inch
 MMMMM-----------------------MEAT MARINADE----------------------------
       1 tb Sherry
       2 tb Water
       2 tb Kikkoman soy sauce
       4 ts Flour
       4 ts Cornstarch
       1    Green pepper, cut into 1/2
            -inch chunks
       1    Onion, cut into wedges
      12    Maraschino cherries
       1 c  Canned lichee
       1 c  Pineapple chunks
 MMMMM-----------------------SAUCE MIXTURE----------------------------
     1/2 c  Brown sugar
     1/2 c  Vinegar
       1 ts Salt
       4 tb Catsup
     3/4 c  Pineapple juice
       4 ts Cornstarch
   Had a house guest last week++an old friend who likes my Chinese
   cooking, but tends to prefer the tamer stuff++you know, things
   without tentacles or feet.  So I whipped up a batch of this
   excellent, quick and easy sweet and sour pork.  It’s a long time
   favorite that I haven't cooked for a some time.  Been too busy with
   Thai and Vietnamese food to make it. It was just as excellent as I
   remember it being and I actually improved on it with a couple of
   I used 1/2 cup palm sugar instead of 1/2 cup brown sugar.  Palm sugar
   has a rich, complex and addicting taste while being a little less
   cloyingly sweet than regular sugars.  It gives a taste that’s
   “exotic” without being obvious.  Where the recipe calls for 3/4 cup
   pineapple juice I used 3/4 cup of the juice from some brandied
   peaches I made.  I made 'em months ago and froze the leftover juice
   specifically to use in a sweet and sour dish. (This is a good thing
   to do with any sweet fruity type juice.)
   I left out the maraschino cherries++bleechhhhh!++and substituted a
   red bell pepper for the color contrast.  The only thing even faintly
   exotic in the recipe is the canned lichees (also a good juice to save
   for sweet and sour stuff) and that can be omitted if you can't find
   them++or use canned apricots or whatever instead.  You could also use
   longans or rambutans, which are close relatives of lichee, quite
   Yield: 6 servings
   PREPARATION:  Drain fruits, prepare sauce mixture.  Marinate pork in
   meat marinade for 1/2 hour.
   COOKING:  Deep fry pork cubes in a wok for about 3 to 4 minutes until
   golden brown.  Drain.  Pour all the oil back into the bottle.  Add
   sauce mixture into wok and stir until thickened.  Add green pepper
   and onions and cook for 2 minutes.  Add pork cubes and stir until
   heated through. Add fruits and stir until they're coated with the
   DO-AHEAD NOTES:  Cook through making the sauce.  Just before serving,
   add pork, vegetables and fruit according to directions.
   From “The Chinese Village Cookbook.” A practical guide to Cantonese
   country cooking.  Rhoda Yee, Yerba Buena Press, San Francisco.  1975.
   Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; March 11 1991.