---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: HAU TOEI CHAO FAN B1
  Categories: Eggs, Chinese, Side dish, Grains
       Yield: 6 servings
     1/4 c  Peanut or other salad oil
       4    Eggs; well-beaten
       1 c  Chopped onion
      10 oz Frozen peas & carrots
            -- thawed
       2 ts Salt
       4 c  Cold cooked rice
       3 tb Soy sauce
     1/2 c  Diced cooked ham
       2    Scallions; finely chopped
   Heat 2 tbs. oil in wok or large skillet over high heat
   until very hot. Add eggs, stir-fry 1/2 munite until
   firm (same as scrambled eggs). Remove, cut into small
   pieces and set aside set aside.  Heat remaining oil
   over high heat; lightly brown onion. Add peas and
   carrots and salt; stir-fry 1 minute. Add cold rice,
   stir constandly for 2 minutes. Add soy sauce, ham,
   scallions and egg; mix well and serve hot.
   Temperature (s): HOT Effort: AVERAGE Time: 00:20