*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Vegetables
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      1/2   c            Vegetable stock or water
    4                    Tofu, firm, 3 oz cakes, cut
                         -crosswise into 1/2 i
                         Vegetable oil for frying plu
                         -s 1.1/2 tbs oil
    1                    Green bell pepper, sliced 1/
                         -4 inch thick
    1                    Small onion, cut in thin wed
      1/2   ts           Curry paste or powder
      1/4   c            Coconut milk
      1/2   ts           Dried chile flakes, or to ta
    1       tb           Coriander
      1/4   c            Chopped peanuts
   1. Prepare the Vegetable stock and the rice and set
   aside. 2. In a large skillet, heat 1/3 inch oil over
   medium-high heat until hot. Pat the tofu dry with
   paper towels and add enough of the tofu slices to fill
   the pan without overcrowding it.    Cook until brown
   and crisp on both sides, about
         3    minutes per
     side. Drain on paper towels. Repeat with the
   remaining tofu slices. 3. In a large skillet or wok
   over high heat, heat the 1.1/2 Tablespoons oil and
   cook the pepper and the onion, stirring,    for 1
   minute. Add the curry paste and cook, stirring one
     minute. Add the stock, coconut milk, chili flakes,
   and tofu and simmer, stirring occasionally, to heat
   through and thicken slightly, about 3 minutes.
   Sprinkle with the ngo om and chopped peanuts and serve
   with rice. Source: Simple Art of Vietnamese Cooking
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