---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Nuoc Cham
  Categories: Sauces, Vietnamese
       Yield: 1 servings
       2 ea Garlic cloves, minced             1/4 c  Fresh lime juice
       1 ea Small shallot, minced               3 tb Vinegar
       1 ea Chili, fresh seeded minced          3 tb Water
       2 tb Sugar                               1 ea Carrot, finely shredded
     1/4 c  Fish sauce                     
   This was developed for people who did not like the taste of fish Sauce.
   Combine Garlic, shallot, Chile and Sugar in mortar and pestle and pound to
   a paste. Stir in fish Sauce, lime juice, vinegar and Water. When Sugar is
   completely dissolved, stir in carrot.  Or you can combine all ingredients
   in jar with tight-fitting lid and shake until blended.