---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
         Title: Nuoc Cham (Vietnamese Hot Sauce)
   Categories: Extras, Vietnamese
        Yield: 4 servings
        1    Garlic clove minced
      1/4 ts Pepper flakes red, crushed
        2 tb Fish sauce
        2 ts Sugar
        1 ts Lime peel minced
        2 ts Lime juice
        3 tb Water
    Increase the amount of red pepper flakes to suit
    taste. Combine garlic, lime peel, and red pepper
    flakes; then add lime juice, fish sauce, water, and
    sugar. Whisk until all ingredients are blended and
    sugar is dissolved.
    Makes about 1/3 cup. Will keep short periods if
    refrigerated. This is used almost daily by my
    Vietnamese sister-in-law and I even became fond of it
    myself served on vegetables, meats and fish.