*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
           Beef and French-fried Potatoes (Thit Bo Xao Khoai Tay
 Recipe By     :  Living and Cooking Vietnamese by Paula Tran
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Beef                             Vietnamese
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    3                    potatoes -- peeled and sliced
      1/2  tsp           Cornstarch
      1/2  c             Water
    1      lb            round steak -- sliced
    4                    garlic cloves -- minced
    3      tsp           Fish sauce
    1                    onion -- wedged
      1/2  tsp           Pepper
    2                    Green onions -- chopped
    1                    Cooking oil
    1                    tomato -- small cubes
 Cover bottom of skillet with approximately 1/2 inch of cooking oil and bring to a
medium-high heat.  Drop in potato strips and fry until golden brown;  remove,
drain, and set aside.  pour off all of oil xcept 3-4 tb.  
 Stir the cornstarch into the water and add the fish sauce.  Reheat the remaining
oil in skillet and briefely sautee the onion wedges and garlic.  
 Next add the beef and stir-fry for approximately two minutes.  Then add the
tomato cubes and the green onions.  As you stir, add the cornstarch mixture. 
Cook for 3-4 minutes, until the liquid is reduced slightly.
 Return the potatoes to the skillet.  Strir well and allow time just to heat
through.  Add pepper to taste.	Serve.
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