*  Exported from  MasterCook Mac  *
                     Cha Gio (Vietnamese Spring Rolls)
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Appetizers                       Oriental
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      Oz            Cellophane Noodles
    1      Lb            Ground Lean Pork
    1      Lg            Onion
    2      Tbsp          Tree Ears Dried Mushroon (Nam Meo)
    3      Cloves        Garlic  -- f. chopped
    8      Oz            Crab Meat
    4      Oz            Shrimp  -- shelled and chopped
      1/2  Tsp           Pepper
   20      Sheets        Dried Rice Paper (Banh Trang)
    4                    Eggs  -- beaten
    2      C             Peanut Oil
 Soak noodles in warm water for 20 minutes and cut into 1-inch lengths.
 Soak Tree Ear in warm water for 30 minutes, drain and finely chop.
 Combine the filling ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
 Cut a round rice paper sheet into quarters. Place the cut rice paper on a
 flat surface. With a pastry brush, paint beaten egg over the entire
 surface of the rice paper piece. Before filling, wait for the egg mixture
 to take effect, softening the wrappers; this take about 2 minutes. When
 you become adept at this, you can work on several wrappers at a time. When
 the wrapper looks soft and transparent, place about one teaspoon of
 filling near the curved side, in the shape of a rectangle. Fold the side
 over to enclose the filling and continue to roll. After filling all the
 wrappers, pour the oil into a large frying pan, put the spring rolls into
 the cold oil, turn the heat to moderate, and fry for 20 to 30 minutes
 until a lovely golden brown. (This is a special method of keeping spring
 rolls crisp.)
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Per serving: 4661 Calories; 454g Fat (87% calories from fat); 99g Protein;
 54g Carbohydrate; 1097mg Cholesterol; 2732mg Sodium
 Serving Ideas : Serve with lettuce, cilantro, mint and nuoc cham
 NOTES :  The Vietnamese spring rolls are much smaller and more crisp than
 the Chinese version. Unlike the Chinese spring rolls, they can be
 rolled in the morning, then covered and refrigerated for several
 hours before cooking. After cooking they will keep nice and crisp
 in 150-degree oven for up to 3 hours. BTW  you can substitute
 shrimp and crabmeat with more ground pork or chicken if you don't
 like seafood.