------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) v6.14 ------------------
      Title: Crab Burgers
 Categories: Cheese Eggs Main dish Sandwiches Seafood 
   Servings:  4
       2 ea Eggs; Lg, Hard Cooked 
       1 c  Crab Meat 
       1 c  Cheddar; Md, Grated 
       1 ea Green Onion; Md, Diced 
     1/2 c  Mayonnaise 
       1 x  Catsup Or BBQ Sauce;To Taste 
       1 ds Celery Salt 
       1 ds Onion Salt 
       1 ds Garlic Powder 
       2 tb Sweet Pickle Juice 
   Mix the first 4 ingredients together.  In a small bowl, combine the rest
   of the ingredients and then add them to the crab mixture.  Spread on
   hamburger bun halves and broil until bubbly or slightly brown.  Serve hot.