MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: People Chow
  Categories: Gifts, Snacks
       Yield: 13 cups
       6 oz Chocolate chips
     1/2 c  Butter or margarine
     1/2 c  Creamy peanut butter
     1/2 t  Ground cinnamon
       8 c  Cheerios
       2 c  To 3 cups powdered sugar
   Stirring constantly, melt chocolate chips and butter in a medium
   saucepan over medium heat.  Remove from heat. Add peanut butter and
   cinnamon; stir until smooth. Place cereal in a large bowl. Pour
   chocolate mixture over cereal; stir until evenly coated.  Pour
   powdered sugar into a large paper bag; add chocolate coated cereal.
   Gently shake bag until mixture is evenly coated with sugar.  Spread
   onto waxed paper; allow to cool completely. Store in airtight